Brand Usage
All businesses, corporations, media outlets, not-for-profit and public institutions throughout Bay, Isabella, Midland and Saginaw counties are encouraged to use the Great Lakes Bay Region brand identity in their communications as appropriate to their own objectives. In cases where “the tri-cities” or “tri-counties” may have previously been used, the Great Lakes Bay Region name and logo can simply be substituted.
In order to ensure that we protect and build the value of our brand identity, we ask all those who use the Great Lakes Bay Region brand to follow these GRAPHIC GUIDELINES and to share these guidelines with any third-party vendors or media representatives who may want to use the brand. The logo may not be altered in any way. Use only the art available via download or supplied by the Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance.
For guidelines on which logo format to use in specific applications, see page 11. Any questions about use of the brand and logo on communications can be referred to Sandy Hermann, director of internal operations and programs, Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance.